Yavapai CASA for Kids Foundation Secures a $10,000 Matching Grant for AZ Gives Day

Prescott Valley, Arizona – Yavapai CASA for Kids Foundation (YC4KF) is thrilled to announce that all donations made to the Foundation during the Arizona Gives Day giving period (March 15th- April 6th) will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $10,000, thanks to the generosity of a local family. 


“This is truly a win for the nearly 400 local foster youth in our area!” Said Mona Stephens, YC4KF Development Director. “Now, it’s just up to our community to rally together and make a difference in the lives of these kiddos during Arizona’s largest time of charitable giving.” 


Yavapai CASA for Kids Foundation is this county’s only Qualifying Foster Care Charitable Organization and, for over 20 years, has directly enriched the lives of current and former foster youth in Yavapai County, through its programming. Donations made to YC4KF during the Arizona Gives Day giving period allow the Foundation to continue supporting this area’s most vulnerable youth and enables them to compete against other nonprofits for cash prizes, which will be used directly for their programming. 


YC4KF’s goals are to raise $45,000 for foster youth during the giving period (March 15th- April 6th) and win the Arizona Gives Day cash prizes for most early donations. YC4KF cannot make these goals a reality without the help of the community.


“All donations directly impact the lives of children going through the worst time in their lives and qualify for the Arizona Tax Credit which reduces the donor’s tax burden, dollar for dollar,” said Yvonne Bartlett, YC4KF Operations Manager.


To double your impact and put the $10,000 matching grant to good use, donate online at https://www.azgives.org/yavapaicasaforkids, starting March 15th. The community is also invited to donate in person by attending YC4KF’s Happy Hour Celebration at The Raven Café in Prescott on April 5th from 3-6pm. There will be live music from Wheelhouse and the opportunity to learn about how YC4KF impacts the lives of foster youth.


For more information contact Mona Stephens at 928 445 0800 or email [email protected].